Find Your Purpose

A Reflective Journey to Self-Discovery

Andrew Henderson | Founder of Spiritual Entrepreneur School

If you're feeling a bit lost or unsure about your purpose, you're not alone. This is the greatest question of our lives. It's only natural that you would spend a lot of time thinking about.

Personally, I wrestled with this question until very recently. Finding the answer has put meaning into my work and made me a much happier person.

I designed this questionnaire to help you gain a clearer vision of your life's purpose.

How It Works

1. Fill out the entire form.

2. Save your answers for your own personal reference.

3. Submit the form.

4. I will personally review your answers.

5. I will email you personalized feedback to help guide you towards discovering your purpose.


If you'd rather keep your answers to yourself, that's perfectly fine. Either way, the process will help you gain clarity. However, if you'd like feedback, make sure to answer every question and submit the form.

This form is designed to make you think. We're seeking answers to difficult questions. Grab a coffee, take a deep breath, and let's dive in!

1. Current Work Reflection

What about your current job do you genuinely enjoy or find rewarding? How does it align with your deepest values and interests. Where does it diverge?

2. Frustrations and Challenges

Identify the things about your job or life overall that cause you dissatisfaction and frustration. Why do those things affect you so deeply?

3. Anti-Vision

Describe what you don't want your life to look like. What would an unfulfilling life look like for you? Think about the things, situations, or environments you absolutely want to avoid.

4. Your Essence

What activities make you lose track of time? What lights you up and fills your soul with joy? Write down at least three passions that you could talk about for hours.

5. Relationships Matter

Who in your life inspires you to be a better version of yourself? Describe the qualities in them that you admire. How do these relationships shape your understanding of love and connection?

6. Lessons Learned

Reflect on a challenging experience in your life that taught you valuable lessons. What did you learn about yourself? How can this experience guide you in helping others through their struggles?

7. Dream Without Limits

If fear of failure or financial concern were not a factor, what would you choose to pursue? Describe your deepest desires and aspirations, and envision what your life could look like if you fully embraced them.

8. Service to Others

How do you want to make a difference in the world? If you could help others in one specific way, what would it be? Write about how you envision this service unfolding in your life.

9. Role Models

Think about people who have had a profound impact on your life. What qualities do they possess that resonate with you? How can you embody these traits in your own journey?

10. Defining Success

What does success mean to you? Describe a day in your ideal life where you feel successful. What are you doing? Who are you with? How does it feel?

11. Your Inner Voice

When you tune into your intuition, what does it tell you? Write down any feelings or messages that come through. What guidance does it offer for your next steps?

12. Your Legacy

How you want to be remembered by those around you? What impact do you hope to have on their lives?

13. Taking Action

Finally, what is one small step you can take today to align more with your purpose? It could be as simple as reaching out to someone, starting a new hobby, or dedicating time to reflect.

14. Additional Comments

Is there anything else on your heart or mind that you'd like to share? Hobbies and interests, favorite books or podcasts? Feel free to write down any other thoughts, feelings, or ideas that came up as you answered these questions.

This is where you will receive your feedback.

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