Spiritual Entrepreneur School
The Future Belongs To The Happy

I'm Andrew.
Founder of Spiritual Entrepreneur School
I created this school with the sole purpose of teaching you to align your work with your life's mission, serve the world and reach your highest potential.
What is a spiritual entrepreneur?
I'm really glad you asked.
Today, too many of us experience a deep lack of fulfillment in our lives. That feeling is caused by a misalignment between what we've been put on this planet to do and how we spend our days—it is our soul trying to alert us to this reality.
I know firsthand what this feels like.
Seven months ago, I was at the lowest point of my life and professional career. I was depressed and suffering from migraines. I had anxiety about being fired, even though I hated my job and struggled to get out of bed in the morning. I was starting to lose hope.
I had a choice to make—look for another job I didn't want or start working for myself by building an online business. I chose the latter.
We all have passions and talents to share with the world, but so many of us feel trapped by our current circumstances. I felt like no one would ever find me buried in some corporate pyramid.
Then, like the hero of my own story, I started working on things that excited me—I began showing the world who I truly am.
I'm my own man now. I decide what's important in my life. I choose who I work with and when. I decide what's worth my time and energy.
Since I began, I've met countless others with similar stories. People who chose lives of authenticity rather than living as victims of circumstance.
As spiritual entrepreneurs, it is our duty to be bold and align this for ourselves, so that we can best serve the world through passionate works and kindness.
Who is this for?
Spiritual entrepreneurship is for anyone who:
• Wants their work to reflect their deepest values.
• Is experiencing a deep lack of fulfillment in their career.
• Hasn't found their true calling, but knows they're capable of greatness
What if I'm not spiritual?
Being a spiritual entrepreneur doesn't mean you have to meditate or practice yoga. It simply means you are guided by your inner voice.
You can be a spiritual entrepreneur in any field.
Whether you're a hair stylist helping women feel more confident or a financial advisor teaching people how to pay off credit card debt, if you're improving lives and believe it's what you were put on this planet to do, you are a spiritual entrepreneur.
What will I learn?
1. How to identify your soul's mission.
We are all put on this planet for a reason. We have lessons we're here to learn.
2. How to turn your work into a vehicle for achieving your soul's mission.
This will bring you into alignment with your karmic destiny, so you can live a happier more fulfilled life.
3. How to help others accomplish the same.
Serving others will allow you to achieve your highest spiritual potential. You will be a beacon of light for friends, family and all you encounter.
When does the school launch?
I'm working on the first guided course which I hope to release this month or next. There's currently no hard launch date.
Join the waitlist to be notified as soon as I launch!
What can I do in the meantime?
You can sign up for the waitlist, so I can notify you as soon as the first course curriculum is ready.
You can also follow me on X/Twitter (@AndrewHenderson) where I post several times a day about the principals of spiritual entrepreneurship. It's fun content—not all serious.
Lastly, you can check out my personal website, where I share interests around my creative and entrepreneurial journey.
How did you come up with "spiritual entrepreneur?"
It came to me the morning after a recent spiritual experience led me to discovering my calling in life. You can read all about it below.
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How I Became a Spiritual Entrepreneur
And Aligned My Life's Work with My Soul's Purpose

August 19, 2024 · 8 min read

What the heck is a spiritual entrepreneur?
I asked myself that very question this morning after being visited by a spirit in the middle of the night.
A lot has happened to me in the last 48 hours. I'm still processing it myself. It was a new experience for me.
A Spiritual Baptism
Lying in bed, wide awake, I had a conversation with a spiritual force, a guide who led me to ideas for how I could serve as a vessel for positivity and change in the world.
Three months ago, I began a journey towards building a personal brand. I learned about how to get attention online and how to create engaging content.
I did all of this in an effort to replace my income, so that I could work for myself and regain control in a life that no longer felt like my own.
As I practiced writing, my thoughts became more clear. I discovered others, read their stories, and began feeling a connection to people I had never met in person.
When I began crafting my offer for products and services, it never felt quite right. It felt self-motivated and uninspired. Still, something inside of me was telling me that I was on the right path—that I needed to continue.
Then two nights ago, around 2:15 AM, I awoke and couldn't fall back asleep. I got out of bed, went downstairs, and began writing the system that will help digital creators achieve financial success online.
After a few hours, feeling as though I was running on fumes, I went back upstairs and tried to fall back asleep. When I closed my eyes, I experienced what I can only describe as a spiritual baptism.
In the darkness of my mind's eye, I could see a purple and emerald iridescent glow all around me. I could feel something was happening—not to my body, but to my soul.
Worried that opening my eyes might cause the experience to end prematurely, I kept them closed. Something told me there were many spirits around me and they had come to celebrate in my soul's graduation to some higher level of purpose.
Earlier that evening, my mother-in-law had stopped by. She is going through a hard time at the moment. I have been critical of her and often been unwilling to lend kindness. I believed she needed to help herself rather than lean on others.
Before she left our home that night, I gave her my copy of a spiritual book that has meant very much to me in my life. By sharing a piece of myself with her, offering help rather than criticism, the spirits were letting me know I had finally learned one of the main lessons my soul has come to Earth to attain: service.
I am here to serve others as they strive to reach their spiritual potential and accomplish their soul's purpose during this lifetime.
Divine Guidance
Last night, I again awoke at 2:15 AM. I got up to go to the bathroom.
When I returned to bed, lying there trying to fall back asleep, thoughts started to pop up. They weren't conscious thoughts, as if I was creating them in my own mind. They were more like visions. It was as if they were being shown to me.
I grabbed my phone and began writing them down. There were many. They just flowed through me. Some were mine. Some were guided by Spirit.
Those that came from Spirit caused me to have full body pins and needles as I wrote them down. I knew that this was Spirit's way of validating the message—letting me know that this was from the Divine.
I laid there for over an hour writing down ideas for how I could better serve the world and make a positive change in people's lives. As well as who I needed to contact and what I needed to say.
Spirit's energy resembled that of a child—although she was not human. She was pure energy—white and lavender colored. She felt like some form of spritely being.
She laughed when I told her I was tired. She then began playfully tapping on my soul's shoulder to keep me from falling back asleep.
At one point, while documenting the experience in my notes, I described her as a "muse." But she did not like that and she made sure to let me know. Instantly, the tingling feeling I was experiencing ceased.
This taught me how Spirit communicates, by using confirmation or denial—a simple yes or no, delivered as a feeling. You have likely experienced it yourself. Some call it "the chills". However, it wasn't creepy—which is the feeling I associate with the chills.
During our time together, Spirit continued presenting me with visions. She wanted me to know that the Divine Force has been leading me throughout my entire life. She showed me how nine years earlier, another spirit was responsible for leading me and my wife to one another.
My wife, Devon, and I crossed paths twice in Los Angeles before we truly met. The second time, we even spoke briefly. It wasn't until years later that we realized what had happened. Spirit was guiding us, but we were not yet ready to receive one another.
The Purpose
The purpose of all of this is to tell you that the Spirit is communicating to all of us. We are all vessels for positivity. We all have that potential.
Many of us choose to ignore the call. Either because we are afraid or we feel foolish. We don't know what we're experiencing or how to explain it, even to the people closest to us.
Sharing all of this with you so publicly still makes me a little uncomfortable. Deep down I know that something massive is going to come back my way. The smaller part of me worries that I'm not ready. But the Divine in me knows that I am.
Years ago, I might not have been able to share this. I'm fortunate to have a wife who has shown me the normalcy of what we're taught to believe is supernatural. In reality, it is entirely natural. It is part of our journey as humans.
At this time in history, as we now have the ability to share our experiences and communicate with others around the world, we are learning how to listen to our spirit guide.
A new chapter has begun in my life. Three months ago, I thought I was going to simply become an entrepreneur and make a lot of money.
Now, I know I'm called to a much higher purpose.
I am here to guide others in the physical realm.
I am here to teach them how to liberate themselves from fears caused by money and the scarcity of it.
I am here to teach them to trust that inexplicable feeling pulling them towards their highest calling.
I am here to give people permission to follow what their spirit is telling them is their soul's purpose.
If they trust this, they can achieve a life filled with more purpose and meaning than they ever dreamed.
The funny thing is, I'm just learning how to do this myself.
Part of what makes this all so powerful is that Spirit has given me a system to teach people how to be successful. I'm actually applying it to myself and everything I do to reach others. I've already begun writing the book.
The Mission
I know I'm not alone and that this idea of spiritual entrepreneurship is going to ignite a world revolution. It's going to make a lot of people uncomfortable. It is not my idea. It was given to me. I am just the vessel delivering the message.
Others will join me. I know because I can feel Spirit flowing through me as I write this.
Many people out there will not believe this story. They will try to rationalize what happened to me. The obvious explanation is that I was still asleep and I was dreaming. I assure you I was not.
It's okay some are not ready to receive this message. We are all on our own journey, different path, and moving at different speeds.
Some will say I'm using this story to make money. I know I will be making money. A lot of it. And that's okay because the money I make is going to be used to help more people.
I want access to money in my life. I would have achieved financial success even if I had pursued a traditional entrepreneurial route.
This way I will find much more fulfilling. It will bring purpose and meaning to my own life. And it will be one heck of a ride.
Money is never the end goal. Fear of not having enough is blocking the flow of energy in too many of us. I must help unblock it.
If you trust that voice inside you and let your inner light shine through you and out to the world, you will have abundance in your life in more ways than money. Money is just one of the ways.
That is what it means to be a spiritual entrepreneur.
I now know that everything in my life was leading me to this calling—the skills I spent so long building, my personal lows, the teachers I met along the way. It was all preparing me for delivering this message.
Going Forward
I hope you will join me on this journey.
If you are interested in spiritual entrepreneurship, please follow me on X (@AndrewHenderson) and join the waitlist on this website.
Even if you decide to go a different way, I wish you luck on your journey. Please know that you can always reach out to me for help.
Thank you for listening.